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There's a certain kind of joy that comes with cruising around on a motorcycle. Bikes have gained momentum in recent years because it makes for a great commuter vehicle, especially when help our budget by saving money at the pump gas.
No matter what kind of biker you are, it's important to protect yourself against potential injuries. Your helmet is your first line of defense against accidents, and German helmet style is gaining popularity as an option for bikers looking for a DOT helmet. We'll get into the nitty gritty details of choosing the best German helmet motorcycle . But first, a brief history lesson.
The History of Motorcycling

German Motorcycle Helmets
Have a Long History too. During WWII, motorcycles were used for everyday use in the military. Along with this development, many motorcycle gear and apparel enthusiasts were developed and are still used today. One of these is the German motorcycle helmet.

During World War One and World War Two, the German Army wore a helmet to battle; today's design is not far from the original one. Moving forward in time, whether bikers prefer to ride a Harley Davidson, an Indian, a Victory, a Honda, or a German BMW, the Mayhem MicroDOT German motorcycle helmet is one of the most popular styles today among bikers. It set the rider apart from the rest of the crowd.
The German motorcycle helmet was once only available as a novelty item. Today, German motorcycle helmets like the Mayhem from MicroDOT are D.O.T. approved. German Helmets look a lot like the half shell of a turtle. The only other part that sets it apart from a turtle shell is the chin strap that adjusts the lid's fit. Black is a very popular color.
As there are no face shields on the German motorcycle helmet, the motorcycle rider might want to purchase some motorcycle eye protection for their apparel. This is an absolute must on long road trips. The more popular options are clear and smoke glasses.

It's all about safety first when participating in any activity on two wheels (yes, that even means scooters and mopers).
No matter what kind of rider you are, it's possible to take a spill and end up with an injury or, worse, a concussion. Wearing a D.O.T. helmet will help protect you from life-threatening injuries.
When you fall, your first instinct is to put your hands down. The head and the upper body end up taking the brunt of the fall, which could lead to fractures. Protective gear like gloves, glasses, leather garments, and boots can make for a comfortable and safer ride.
Everyone is a beginner when they first start riding, but practice, practice, practice makes the difference. And always ride at your level. Over time, you'll feel more comfortable on your bike and can "level up."
Keeps your eyes and ears peeled for cars, pedestrians, and even other bikes. It's possible that they may not stop or yield to you. Be sure to follow local regulations, too.
It's common to promote the use of a dot helmet while riding a bike. And many guides are available to make the search so much easier. We'll break down a few key elements to consider while browsing for good deal.
What comes to mind when you think about comfort? It might be fit, weight, style, or a combination of all three. Most helmets come in five sizes (extra small, small, medium, large, and extra large). The size range refers to the circumference of your head. Please measure the circumference and compare it against the Micro D.O.T. helmet's size chart, as these helmets come in seven different sizes.
When you get the helmet home and try it on, it should sit just above your eyebrows. It should feel snug enough so that it doesn't move around when you're in motion. Adjustable straps allow you to customize the fit further. Be sure the strap closure sits under the chin and feels tight enough that there's no slippage. You may also use removable ear pads, which protect you from wind and wind noise and allow you to adapt your blue tooth device. It's simply another way to tailor your helmet for your unique needs.
When cruising, you want to be as aerodynamic as possible and to reduce the friction of the wind; a lightweight MicroDOT Twiste reversible beanie helmet does wonder. It's a neck pain saver for one, and it also packs well, so you're not lugging something that feels like a brick around.
Wearing a helmet has indeed gained popularity even in states with non-helmet laws. With this shift came a focus on sleek, aerodynamic designs that resemble retro classic helmets. To that extent, the Mayhem German helmet motorcycle goes a long way toward influencing the crowd actually to wear it.
Generally speaking, all helmets are lined with expanded polystyrene (also known as EPS foam) and topped with an A.B.S. outer shell. The EPS foam liner and hard shell combo is a pretty standard style. German helmets and motorcycles don't need many bells and whistles but consider wearing headliners that help keep your head dry and cool. All MicroDOT helmets come with a quick release closure on the chin
All certified helmets will have the D.O.T. label with the FMVSS No. 218. It means that the helmet has been tested and approved specifically for Motorcycles.
Throughout history, the German Style Motorcycle Helmet has gained popularity. Not all German Styles in the market are DOT approved. Getting a Helmet that fits well and is supported by a reputable company is key for your safety. We recommend checking on the Mayhem Microdot, a German Motorcycle Style DOT approved.
Remember to keep in mind fit, weight, and style. Here are a few pointers we mentioned. The Beanie D.O.T. helmet should fit snugly on your head and should not move around while you wear it.
Look for helmets with adjustable straps and quick releases that lock in a perfect fit.
You may not need bells and whistles, but simple features like ear pads and glasses go a long way to make riding more comfortable.
Ready to pick out the best motorcycle helmet to complement your style or personality? MicroDOT Helmet Co has your head covered. Shop our low-profile motorcycle helmet here