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Is My Helmet Causing Head And Neck Pain?

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Curiously, many people who suffer from neck problems suspect that riding a motorcycle will not cause them more neck pain. On the other hand, there are 'Anti-helmet' groups of people who love to ride but struggle with Chronic Neck Pain due to the helmet's combined weight and head. This is particularly true in women; thus, they stay at home.  

So, Is riding a motorcycle really bad for your neck? The answer has several nuances. In general, riding a bike can be harmful to the neck. We are going to explain it in parts. 

The Weight of The Helmet: Full-face helmets are heavy. A Full Face Helmet increases the head's size, raising the resistance against the wind, producing a more significant impact on the neck. The increased resistance against the wind is a top reason for head and neck pain. 

The Wind. This is one of the main factors that make the motorcycle a possible enemy of the neck. The neck is designed to resist the forces that push the head from behind but not for the forces that push the head from front to back. In general, a good helmet that deflects the air's direction can reduce the wind's power on the head. 

Posture: The posture may partially offset these forces. If your body is leaning forward, the neck will not suffer too much initially, but the posture causes the muscles to fatigue and may bother you after a while as the joints are in a more forced posture. 

    On the contrary, if we are sitting very upright on a motorcycle with little or no windshield and we pick up speed, the wind will directly damage our neck. 

A Micro DOT Helmet is lightweight, very comfortable, and aerodynamic, reducing the wind's friction and reducing the strain on your neck and shoulders.

Potholes. The motorcycle rolls on the ground and all impacts are transmitted to our body and ultimately to the neck. Even when walking, each step causes an impact on the ground, which is an energy that our body has to cushion. The whole body participates in this cushioning, from the feet and knees to the spine. To a greater or lesser extent, the neck will play its part. The impact that our neck will suffer will depend on the type of terrain we are riding on, the cushioning that the motorcycle carries, and the postures we adopt. If we have a recent injury, riding a bike on the bumpy field is not a good idea.

The posture of the arms. The arms are in front of the body, whatever the bike is. The farther apart, the more the cervical muscles will suffer. It is not a problem on its own; it's more of a fatigue factor. If we are in this position for a long time, the neck muscles will tire, suffer contractures, and, secondarily, damage the neck joints. If we are in good shape and limit the time we stay like that, it does not have to be a detrimental factor by itself. Speaking of extreme stances, custom bikes with exaggerated handlebars may be very pretty, but they are nonsense for neck and shoulder health.

Long Rides: The more forced the posture, the less time we will endure them before feeling discomfort. Try to change your position on the bike from time to time to relieve tension in the joints and let the muscles rest.

In summary, riding a motorcycle can damage the neck. To minimize this problem, we recommend wearing a Micro DOT Helmet that is safe, very lightweight and allows you to enjoy your ride for hours and miles to come.

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